A downloadable Oubliette for Windows

Oubliette is a 2D tile-based world exploration game, complete with its very own world exploration engine. The world exploration engine will build a world, which the user will be able to explore by walking around and interacting with objects in that world with an overhead perspective.

Each world is pseudorandomly generated & is based on a unique seed which can be decided & saved by the user. It should be able to handle any positive seed up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. There is no defined behavior for seeds larger than this. The name Oubliette comes from French & is defined as a secret dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling, similar to the context of the game. 

The task is to to collect sixteen orbs and reach the gate within eighty seconds.

View the GitHub repository here.


Oubliette.exe 104 kB

Install instructions

Simply download the Oubliette.exe file & open it to run the game. 


- A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) may be required to run this file on your system. I recommend the JDK offered by Adoptium which contains the JRE.

- A "world_save.txt" file will be created within the same directory if you choose to save your World, which contains your World's data and your progress.

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